NEWS: Mount Vernon Forward Team Signs Candidate Commitment Pledge on Ethics and Transparency — Challenges Democratic Primary Opponents to Sign On

Mount Vernon Forward
2 min readApr 8, 2021


April 8, 2021

NEWS: Mount Vernon Forward Team Signs Candidate Commitment Pledge on Ethics and Transparency — Challenges Democratic Primary Opponents to Sign On

Leading an effort to bring ethics, courtesy, transparency and commitment to the often contentious politics of their hometown, the Mount Vernon Forward team for City Council — Danielle Browne, Cathlin Gleason and Ed Poteat — has committed to the following set of principles for their campaign — and challenged their opponents in the June 22nd Democratic primary to add their signatures to the pledge. The Candidate Commitment continues the MV Forward team’s pledge to conduct a positive campaign, ending the cycle of factionalism and recrimination in local politics.

City Council Candidate Commitment

As a City Council candidate in the Democratic Primary Election on June 22, 2021, I commit to the following principles while campaigning and if elected:

1. I will behave ethically. I will be honest and fair. I will be a model of integrity for the community, particularly for the children living in our community.

2. I will behave with the best interests of the City of Mount Vernon in mind. I will do this even if the interests of the City are not in alignment with my personal best interests.

3. I commit to fiscal transparency and will work to improve fiscal transparency in the City of Mount Vernon.

4. I am human and I may make mistakes in my elected capacity. If I make mistakes in my elected capacity, I will report them to the public as soon as possible. In addition, I will give my analysis as to how the mistake was made and what actions will be taken to reduce the risk of making the same type of mistake again.

5. I will promote peace, cooperation, well-being, harmony, and fellowship in our City. 6. I will work to improve the quality of life for Mount Vernon Residents.

7. I will be fully committed to the job. I am aware that being a Councilperson requires a significant dedication of time and energy.

8. I will run a professional campaign that is meant to inform Mount Vernon residents of our qualifications, expertise and commitment to the City of Mount Vernon. I will refrain from spreading falsehoods and misinformation about other candidates.

Danielle Browne — Cathlin Gleason — Ed Poteat [digital scanned sigs]

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Mount Vernon Forward
Mount Vernon Forward

Written by Mount Vernon Forward

MV Forward is a citizens committee of concerned Democrats of many backgrounds from around the city, dedicated to building a better future for Mount Vernon.

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